Every person prayed for by name
Our Vision
Our vision is to pray for every person in the world by name and share Jesus with them.

Billions of people around the world do not know Jesus yet but God has given us the power to change that. And it all starts with prayer.
At Pray For All, we believe that if each believer prays for 5 people by name and shares Jesus with them, the Body of Christ can be mobilized to reach the world.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 says,
“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people…This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” (NLT)
We are given a biblical mandate in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to pray for every person in the world. “All people” comes from the Greek word anthrópos, which means human being or mankind. God desires every individual human being to be prayed for because He desires every human being to be saved.
God knows every person by name and He wants us to get to know them personally and pray for them by name, care for them, and share Jesus with them.
Prayer and reaching people far from God are always intricately connected. Prayer is more than a conversation with God; it’s an impartation from God. When you commune with God in prayer, He gives you His heart for the lost. Real prayer, birthed by the Spirit, always moves us to mission. That is why prayer is not the end game—mission is.
Prayer is the greatest accelerator of evangelism. Andrew Murray said, “The man who mobilizes the Christian church to pray will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” We believe praying for every person in the world will help pave the way for the largest harvest of souls in history.
Who we are
Pray For All is an initiative of many churches, ministries, networks, and businesses that collaborate globally to fulfill the Great Commission.

Download the Pray for all APP
On our new Pray for All app, believers around the world can sign up to pray for 5 people who do not know Jesus, receive reminders to pray for them, and learn how to BLESS others daily. Devotionals, videos, and other resources help users grow spiritually and stay connected to this global movement.